Saturday, September 13, 2008

Raise the Curtain

I suppose it's about time to start using this thing, huh? Guess I can just give ya a run-down of what's goin' on now.

Here I am, FINALLY back at BYU-Idaho and I'm loving it! I forgot how much I missed the LDS atmosphere, but now I'm back and I can't get enough of it. ^_^ My roomies are wonderful and we all get along great. They've all been in this appartment complex before and kinda knew each other, so I'm the only real stranger. But that's okay!

Classes are great. I'm not so thrilled about Macro Economics, but with Mission Prep, Archery, Intro to Theatre and Color and Design to keep my spirits afloat, I should survive. Wow, are those really 12 credits...?

I'm loving Mission Prep (the spirit is SO STRONG) and despite my teacher having us read the Book of Mormon in TWO WEEKS (not even kidding. I read all of First Nephi the first day, and most of Second Nephi the second day, but I've been slacking off. I plan on getting caught up today) I'm actually learning a lot. I didn't think I would, going that fast, but a prayer beforehand invites the spirit nicely so I do actually get a lot out of it.

Archery is pure awesomeness. ^_^ I got extra arrows on Thursday, which is good, 'cause that same day I killed one of my old ones. That's the bad thing about being good; you shoot arrows so close to each other that one is BOUND to get broken! I've broken a lot of nocks that way. My art class looks like it'll be a lot of fun and a lot of projects, but it won't be so much pictures as layouts, I think. There's a number of Photography majors in the class, so the teacher is aware that their drawing skills may not be the best and drawing may actually be their "arch-nemises" as he put it. But still, I'll draw as often as I can! ^_^ Lastly, Theatre is lookin' good too! I'm gonna audtion for the musical they'll be performing in December, so hopefully I'll get in because I've been DYING to be involved in theater again! I've been going through some serious withdrawals since I graduated from high school and couldn't be in Drama Club anymore. I'll settle for tech if I have to.