Sunday, October 23, 2011

Anime Banzai 2011!

So, since I've christened this blog as a place for me to talk about costumes, props and general identity tomfoolery, I think this is a great place to talk about my favorite way to celebrate costuming; anime conventions! More specifically, the convention near and dear to my heart (and my home), Anime Banzai in Layton, UT. This was my third time coming to Banzai ('08, '10, '11) and it was a blast! Such as it could be. See, I was planning on being this:

And completely KNOCKING their SOCKS off, but due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, I went as this:

Cute, right? I don't think I pull off black hair very well, but whatever. The point is, the crutches were for the costume and for necessary purposes. I think that threw people off because they thought the crutches were for real and weren't supposed to be part of my costume, so they didn't know who I was until I told them. There was one lady who overheard me say that they were also part of my costume and she piped up, "Waaaaiiiit. You're not from Mushi-Shi, are you?" I was like, "YES! I love you!" I mean, people recognized who I was when I said it, but I guess just not right off the bat. I really should have done the words on my skin.

That would have given it away, I think. There was, however, a surprising perk. See, I had entered the cosplay contest to be Neliel, but upon breaking my ankle, that obviously wasn't going to happen. So I contacted the woman in charge of the cosplay contest to let her know that I could no longer compete, but would I be able to volunteer backstage, instead? I adore being in the thick of things (I worked backstage last year, helping the cosplayers offstage safely) and if I couldn't compete, I wanted to be in the greenroom anyway. I think it's more fun than sitting in the audience, since you get to see a lot more of the costumes than just when they're onstage. It apparently really surprised the cosplay head that I wanted to work when I couldn't compete, so at then end of the contest awarding, she introduces one more award she wanted to give away. She starts by talking about this cosplayer that had grand plans to build a four-legged moving costume, only to break her ankle less than a month before the convention. Talked about the e-mail she got from said cosplayer having to withdraw, and then being completely blown away that the cosplayer would turn around and ask to volunteer. XD I'm sitting in the greenroom through all of this blushing and laughing. So then she introduced me by name, but told the audience they weren't going to drag me up onstage because of my ankle (though I kinda wished she would have let me; I'm a sucker for attention. And they had ramps instead of stairs to get onstage, which I can handle just fine!) but she was giving me the "Great Attitude" award. XD It was a custom bag that got made for all the Cosplay Contest winners (only 23 got made) and it's actually really nice. Sturdy and big and I like it. ^_^

And it had Ramune and Hello Panda inside. X3 So anyway, I think it's so cute she did that for me when I really do love to help out! Next year, though! Next year, Neliel WILL be coming to Anime Banzai! I will swear off roller blading if I have to! At least now I have an extra year to make it perfect. :D Moving on now, to everyone else.

There were a lot of amazing cosplayers, like there always are. I came with two empty 2 gig SD cards with every intention of filling them both up, but I just didn't realize how much of a pain it is to balance bags and crutches so you can take a picture, especially when you're already tired in the first place. I took a bunch when I was just sitting in the hall and resting at different times, but just not nearly as many as I wished I had. I always regret not taking enough pictures…

One thing about Anime Banzai this year is that it's theme was Steampunk. Turned out to be way fun with all the different "steampunked" versions of costumes there were. Some people went WAY out there and it was awsome. I saw SO many beautifuly elaborate gowns that pretty much made me DROOL. I came away just dying to design my own and to make it. I don't know what for or what I would do with it or where I would wear it, but it's gonna be amazing. :D

Next year's theme, by the way, is Japanese Mythology, so we'll see if I'll be able to do anything in-theme or not!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I have decided!

That I'm going to try and use this blog for more useful things that just taking up webspace and basically being an eyesore.

I spent a good hour or more pouring over my big sister's craft blog tonight just loving her creativity, her drive to finish projects, and her taste in pretty much EVERYTHING. Gave me an idea! Except I'm not so much into furniture and home decor as I am completely obsessed with costumes. And anime is not to blame for this! It just gives me an extra outlet. :D Ask my mother, I've loved making and wearing costumes for...a really really long time. My siblings probably remember that one Halloween that I flounced around the house in my green, crushed-velveteen elven cloak for two weeks after the silly holiday. Heh. Good times!

So yeah, here I'm gonna (try to) post about the costumes I've done, ones I'm planning, progress of others. I'm actually glad I've thought of this before I completely finished my Neliel (I know she's pretty skimpy in this picture. I'm combining it with this blouse to make it modest and cool like that. :D) costume, because now I have incentive to document every step of it! I've tried to do that, but maybe I'll do better now. Unfortunately, I don't have progress (or even proper finished pictures, besides of me wearing them in bad lighting) photos of all my past costumes.

And I'll be honest, most of my costumes now (if not all) will probably be completely nerdy and almost solely for to wear to anime conventions. Hey, you get prizes for good ones there! Though when I do finally get Neliel done for next year's Anime Banzai, I'll also be taking her to the nearest Halloween costume contest with a cash prize so I can BLOW THEIR MINDS. I may leave the green hair off and come up with a more warrior-centaur-type look (I have no problems keeping the skull helmet and just designing a completely different outfit to wear on top. Oh...ideas...) for a less anime-central crowd, but anyone can see that a centaur with moving back legs is cool.

But anyway, these are my plans for my tiny corner of the world wide web. I'll get to work scanning up the drawings I've done of designs I've made for different ones. One thing I love to do is dress up the existing character design to make it more detailed, epic or to make it formal. A couple of those formal designs barely look like the original design at all.

And hey! Maybe this will some day help someone who wants to make the same or a similar costume. I FULLY INTEND on publishing the pattern I'm going to have to draft for Neliel's jacket. Because really, that thing is ridiculous and it's nigh unto impossible to find an existing pattern for anything AT ALL like it, with its crooked zipper.